Honest opinions about how to buy Appliances and Lighting.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gas Ranges...Basics

So many gas ranges and so many brands. 90% of what we sell is 30 inches wide. As I have said throughout the ole blog, appliances follow cabinet sizes. 30 inch is almost universal for cooking.

But what is the difference between a good range,

and a great one....

1. BTU: Better ranges will have a higher BTU burners and a better simmer option

2. Griddle/5 burner option

3. Convection....Fan forced heat to keep a more even temperature for better baking

4. Second oven instead of a warming drawer

5. Aesthetics: More metal less black


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Which brand is the last range pictured?

  2. Frigidaire Professional
