Further, according to the government you will use this machine 8 times a week every week all year...Before you sign, there is a door number 2
Behind door number 2 is the $700 machine. Hold on for a moment. This machine will save $200-300 annually(average life 15 years). It will use less cleaning agents and will have 40-70% more capacity than our free model. This machine is gentler in its operation with less wear and tear on the material placed inside...
What do you think of the free machine now? Well congratulations you just opted for:
A front load washing machine(versus a top load).
The features listed are all factual. As I walk through stores and read industry reports, 60-70% of all washers sold are still inefficient top load machines including some very expensive pieces.
As front loaders become more popular, their average price is dropping(and increasing with more features like steam, etc). The breakeven after considering operating costs can be less than a year, so be careful when a complete stranger offers you something for nothing.
But, seriously, if you are considering a washer or even a dryer, be informed on operating costs as well as initial price