Honest opinions about how to buy Appliances and Lighting.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Security Sensor Lights

I live in Bostons' South End. Its actually on the border of Back Bay near Copley. Have to admit, I love where I live. 10 Years ago, The Southwest Corridor(as its called) was a battleground between gangs from Roxbury and Tent street, which squeeze this area from both sides.

Evidentally, the area was secured by a potent combination of police, rising property values and rapid gentrification. The influx of Doctors and lawyers means less gang activity at least outside of court.

Anyway, I sat on my roof drinking some wine with a friend and saw all the security lights still on in the neighborhood. At up to 250 watts per light, this is an incredible waste of energy and not much security.

Consider a security light that is operated by motion sensor, so you do not pay for needless electricity. It is also more of a deterrent. An "evildoer" has a nice blast of light and will think somebody is actually there

The best products seem to be manufacturered by RAB...Take a peek

RAB Lighting

RAB Lighting #2

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